Detroit Bold Coffee


Detroit isn’t a city to take things lying down. Why? They’re all drinking Detroit Bold from Detroit Bold Coffee Co. (formerly AJ’s CoffeeWorks). Try enjoying a cup of this rich Colombian/espresso blend and not being productive. Every bean is imbued with the hardworking grit and passion of the great city where it first became famous at AJ’s Music Café in Ferndale, MI. And while AJ still loves to reminisce about the legacy of his famous café, his dream is much bigger than a 3,000 sq ft. building.

He believes that Detroit’s economy should be supported by more than just the auto industry. Why can’t the Motor City also be the Mocha City? “We’ve been roasting Detroit Bold in the shadows of our auto plants since 1914. We owe you and your hard work a share of that.”

And that’s just what he plans to do: establish Detroit as a world leader from cars to coffee.

“Detroit Bold is the best of us … with a can-do spirit. A true blend developed specifically for my cafe where each day I welcomed the world. Whether you design it, build it, fix it, make it look beautiful or clean it up, you decide just how much you need to get your day started. Today, I am proud to share a little piece of the cafe while creating a new economy in our own backyard.”

  • Listing ID: 824
Contact details

14501 Hamilton Ave Detroit, MI 48203Wayne County,Metro Detroit,48203 (248) 277-2640

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